Monday, April 11, 2011

Cycles 33 & 34 Clinical Trial Update

Hi, Folks - I went down to St. Louis  last week for my 12-week visit and to get the results of my latest CT scan.  The results were good - no new tumors and no growth in the existing tumors:  Yea, Sutent!

I found out a little bit more about the clinical trial.  Of the 28 people who started the trial in St. Louis, I am the longest-serving participant.  Unfortunately, they won't tell me if the other 27  were cured or died or moved on to other clinical trials because they couldn't stand the side effects of the Sutent.  

When I started in this study on April 25, 2007, I was the youngest person in it.  This has probably helped as the side effects of the drug get worse at the patient ages and I know many of the original group were older folks.  I don't know how many are in the study now or what their ages are.  The study was still recruiting participants after I joined, although it is closed now.  There are other sites that are still recruiting participants, so the research is ongoing.  I keep hoping someone will open a study in Nebraska.  As long as I have success with the drug (i.e., have no growth in existing tumors and no new tumors), I'll be able to get the drug in the St. Louis location.

I'll go down to St. Louis next on June 29.  Unfortunately, the Cardinals are out of town that week. Oh, well, there are always our beloved Lincoln Saltdogs.

Thanks for all your continuing prayers and support.  On to Cycle 35!


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